Thursday, May 6, 2010


today was joe and jenyas final show opening at the school. me and tess went. it was funny, joe and jenya had brough beers and i helped them smuggle them in to the gallery. having that beer in a plastic cup sneeking around fearing the public safety guy was funny, kinda like when i was young and doing somthing i knew i shouldent but still did it just for the sake of doing it (not that i actualy do that so often ech ech). the show was amazing. joe is a real artists. i wish i could make negatives that look like that and prints that look like that. he really knows his shit. the photos look nice too. jenyas work seems to be influenced by joes presence, more then the fact its large format black and white. i guess beeing around joe for long enough does that to you, i think that had i not left i would be buying in to his pyro long developing time bullshit by now. it was also a chance to meet another one of my fellow class mates for next year, whose name i cannot remmeber right now, but he seems like a straight up guy with a string and seriuos agenda, well it nice that he at least has an agenda. the other half of the class whome i have already met and seem more and more like a highschool teen girl gang with a prominent leader with extreme self asteem and variuos followers were sitting right on the other side of the wall as he was introducing him self. but the show really did blow me away, i am still thinking about how it all worked out, and how come i havent been shooting all the time i have been here even though i have had long hours of sunshine and had nothing i really needed to do. there are lots of stuff i want to shoot. i guess i am shooting with the mamiya 7 but its not the same. i guess i need to work closer, with less detail less clutter that not manageble in order to make clean and calm pictures, that somehting i learned from joes work. cleanliness is next to godliness.
after the show we went to have thai food. the GPS did not fail us but i made a poor choice of not sitting down at the first place we went to abd decided to try the other one, they also did not have a bathroom that tess needed to use so we went to the other place, a thai chineese indian cambodian viatnameese restaurante, that was jam packed with a small wait list. about 10 to 15 minutes the guy says. 45 minutes later, and 10 minutes before closing we sat down. we were all help up buy a birthday party group for a JAP riding a skatebaord wearing a golden star of david on her neck. she looked as if she was 17 or so but all her friends looked in their early 20's. and they were moderetly quiet, unlike the poeple who waited for an hour to leave their fucking table after being served with the check, and made an effort to lough out loud for each and every word said, and they were a bunch of fat loud ugly girls. being loud like that is down and simple rued. i hate rued poeple.
i really wanted pad thai. we both got the same dish (mine wiht pork) and after having a few bites tess found out her dish had eggs in it and had it replaced. after she got her dish i felt kinda stupid that when she said it has eggs in it i realized that i had noticed the eggs before and paid it no mind. then i thought maybe hers dident have eggs, or that maybe i thought about it having eggs and did not tell her in case she dosent find out. i wish it was somthing i noticed and stopped her on it when i figured it out with out all this after thought. but i guess there is a first time for everything. waiting in line that long to be seated especialy when the staff moves extremly slowly and ineficiently kinda makes me mad and loose intrest i guess thats why when we sat down we just rushed through the order. it seems as though all of the 200 dishes on the menu are all variations on the same basic idea - rice\noodles some meat\veggies sturfired with sweat and sour sauce. and peanuts. lots of peanuts. oh yes and a diffarent cuisine name. chinese style, cambodian style and so on. it did have all kinds of rewards from the jewsish comunity magazine, goes to show what they know... i will make it a rule form now on not to wait for a seat, just move on to the next place in line that has an open seat.

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