Tuesday, May 11, 2010

mosltey nothing

form some reason i am not doing anything. the first few days that we were here were full of stuff to do lots of resting, and more things to deal with. go here go there work on this thing that thing. go shopping looking around. after about 2 weeks or so that all passed. finding a house has passed, and even though we havent moved in yet i doubt there will be much work about that, defently not 2 weeks worth. still now just less then a month since we got here i have been sitting on my ass for so long doing nothing. i forgot, we went to new york and that did take up time. still this must have been the laziyest week i have had in my life. i really did not do anything. i have nothing to do. hopefully the scanner will return in a week or so and i can start working soon. hasselblad the greatest camera company in the world probably has some of the worst service representatives in history, especially in the US. they gave me the wrong qoute for the repair, then it got delayed a few more days and the only reason someone cought up with this "mistake" (me of course) was because i noticed the serial numbers on the qoute and the actual RMA number are not the same. fuck, the guy who sold me the scanner said he told them its a good thing its not a medical issue. i would be sewing them at this point. but whatever. they are still far more orgenezied then in, say, the middle east. all that behind me, that was some excitement yesterday. for about 3 minutes. i havent been going shooting since we got here. even though the sun was out almost every day. joe said we will have more time now, maybe i will take him on his offer, but there is another problem or reason for this. i cant bring myself to leave the house with out tess for some unknown amount of time, because i feel she is trapped here and has no way to get out if she needs to, may that will change in boston, but then there are not that many things i want to shoot in boston. i am sure that once i am out there i wll go and find them though i think i will be concentrating hard on building my developing and scanning service if i ever get the scanner back and working. i have almost 100 4X5 plated to scan from israel and i will have more then 10 rolls or more from the mamiya to develop and scan by the time we move.
i guess this whole telling the world about how i fell makes me feel funny and i am not sure its in a good way.
i read mahos blog just now about all kinds of things they are doing while renovating thier house. she writes about jonathan all kinds of things that he did or does, and in a way i can see how he does them or how he did them but it strange to think about him doing things. its funny to know someone for so long and not know about parts of his personality. i guess i do know about them, and he told talked about them and maho told me about them and maybe i actualy also saw this stuff my self but still now reading about how he built a hand crafted door frame seems strange on one hand, but perfectly a jonthan thing on the other. sound like somthing i might have done if i needed to, that my refrence point about jonathan.
this photo is form a negative, film camera and it was shot prosseced and scanned today. this is how i want my life to look like. full service.

1 comment:

maho said...

actually for a long time i have also thought about this question is this blogging idea is good for me or not. well i have to say i don't have the exact answer yet, but i have to say that in a way it is good for the nostalgic thing of it as you said in one of your posts, and also for me it is a bit of steam release. i have to say that our blog doesn't give any useful information like other i see over the net, but still who knows...
and think although it is on the air no body is really interested of what we say except your closest friends. i don't think my blog is an interest to any one but my close friends actually not even my family. maybe i need to think of it a bit more, but i have to say that i do enjoy reading yours, after all you remind some of jon years ago, not that we are so old.