Thursday, May 27, 2010

the corbomite maneuver

today i played out a theory by Mr Spock, about time travel. i planned it all to the letter, with all the usual checking with the engeneering department about more warp speed, had the supplys and food stocks checked a day in advance, and set all chronometers to match my departing time. but as usual, the unexpected happened, the electric fazing shaver machine that was set on high stun setting ran out of power just when i needed it the most, and i had to switch to the olden time manual metal blade razor. this led to a small delay in the plan that would later grow. another problem i had neglecled to check was the amount of dilitheum charged liquid in the energy capacators of the car, and had to get more fuel on the way. i could possibly make it all the way on what i had, but making it in late was better then not at all. i then proceeded to open my navigation computer console that inform me of the distance and expected arrival time. i was scheduled to arrive at work at 0900AM. i left the gas station at 0734AM. normal travel time in avarege speed of 60MPH was 55 minutes. thus the GPS noted that i would be there at 0839AM. this left a total of 21 minutes to be delayed by interstellar traffic, and other thoughtless commutters riding by themsleves much like me, talking on their phones and paying no attention to their driving. just before the 95\93 split the traffic stopped. the clock on the GPS started moving forward telling me the my arrival time is getting closer and closer to the 0900AM deadline. it moved on up to 0852 when traffic started to clear. thats when i remmebered the words of Mr spock about the slingshot effect of time travel warping and so on, and i started to push on. as i was moving faster and faster, time started to move in reverse, and the clock and the GPS counted backwards minute by minute. for every 5 minutes of clear roads i gained back one minute untill the next jam. after that again i clocked the time backwards, i was able to hold it at 0859 drove in full power in to the parking lot and made it in by 0901... it was close and i was late. but i did bend the rules of physics and made time move backwards. for the good that did....

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