Saturday, May 1, 2010

mayday mayday mayday

this is image # 9999. i have shot 10k with the 5d.

as you might have noticed out scheduels have been endlesly long these days starting early in the morning and ending late at night after many miles on car and foot. this saturday was no diffarent. after ending late wiht joe and jenya and a a few beers to top we got up super early to make it to our meeting wiht our prospected land lady. it was unclear untill yesterday when she called to say that all is well while we were in the supermarket and asked if its ok that my mom come over to co sign the contract along side me as i am student and have no income... but i have good refrences, thanx to jay, and i think also gary. gary was my landlord in boston when i lived here 5 years ago. i have tried to keep in moderate touch with him, and he was nice enough to vouch for me when i wanted to move in to jays house. again he was helpfull with the new land lady. when i called garry in febuary about looking for a house, after he told me that he is working in a realty office in JP, he said that his house where i lived might become available and that i should call again. and well it was going to be available june 1st and he was willing to take what we were willing to pay, after all it wa snot cheap but a brand new house in the perfect location wiht nice nieghbors and a washing machine and garden and no train through the back yard. but it was more expensive then what we could intialy pay, and he was verry slow on getting back to me as to how to actualy go and see the place since tess has never been there. but by the time i got his call we already had seen the nice place on everett st and decided to go with that. so we left, again super early in the morning, carying ALL the gear (almost) because tess was going to take pictures at the Boston May Day event in the commons. we had a nice sandwich with humus took the bus down to copley Sq, and walked to the commons. by 1 there were quite a few peoeple there with shows and signs and a few placebo anarchists, some forieng workers and some of our avrage american retirment aged person wiht somthing to say kind of poeple. verry few young poeple. they had way to many talking and speakers and stuff i couldent hear or couldent care less to listen to but then went on a march around govrnment center, right under the tall buildings where no one could actualy hear or see it. they marched for about 45 minutes thorugh abandoned bussiness district streets, with a few suits peeking out the windows, ending near a recruitment center, near the commons, where most of these protests start and end. stranly or predectivly enough this little or nothing to do with May Day and what it actualy meant even less to do with workers rights or social rights and almost everytihng to do with the american imigration and deportation policy. the plight of undocumented illeagal aleins seeking work or working in the US and their fear of the authoreties. well they should be afraid if they entered a country illeagally. so you may say there is no legal way for them to enter. and of course as a law abiding poeple or any other morals, you would say, breaking the law is bad, and never somthing that should be done. they had a never ending list of speakers telling the crowd about how they are no longer afraid to say that they are undocumented illeagal aliens in the US after their parents moved to the US from souther america in search of work and a better life then what they had in their country and then they were birn out of status and went to college inspite of the high costs (they kept saying each in her turn, only girls of course, about how they had to pay 30K to go to college an if not they cant go as if this is a tax imposed on them wrongfully and not on anyone else) and now they are smart and can live in the US and hope for a better life and so on.
but there is somthing i dont understand.
why the fuck do they have to come to the US for a better life then be upset about the work policies, ethics and imigration laws here? if life here sucks, why dont thy spend the same efforts and demonstrating in the places where they come from and ask for better working conditions, better pay and better social antics? whats so bad about their own countries that make them belive this might be a better place to live other then beeing to lazy or careless ot affect the change the place where they are?
yes i left israel since it is hopless to try and change stupid religous poeple. but at the same time i understand and accept (even though not always agree with) the american system and what it is based on. this economy is based on slave labor and surplus value (in invented capital with no inflation) once the slaves were brought here in ships against thier will and chained and forced to work. today poeple are risking their lives for a chance of beeing slaves. i am sure there is a direc connection between the poor conditions in the third world and in south america and american economic behaviuor. still i dont underdstand why there should be an open door policy. yes there is more then enough to share between everybody and still maintain the surplus society of american abundance even if another 50 million people move here from poor countries. the question is if all those poeple want to be americans with all it represents, or they are only after the money and good life??
more then that yo have to ask if socialism and an open door policy go hand in hand would that consitute extreme right wing economics and globalization? because if the border meant nothing even for moneys sake what would prevent mexico from becoming yet again just a slum province of the almighty free market, even if it just happens to be located entierly in the middle of LA.
in the end this is all pretty silly that all these poeple came out to march because of a new imigration law in arizona, regulating the slave labor trasfer from mexico to the US, and not about the fundemental reason for this law for even being conceived.
this was an ok thing though because i saw the local AP photographer and made an introduction, had a nice chat with him. its nice to hear the name of the jerusalem AP office carries some water here. this made me feed even more confident that tess can find work here if she wants, though it might take some effort, but just like i always belived that in this country if you try hard enough and you are white you can do anything you want.
the march ended with a nice ceremony in the wrong direction of the sun. after we got back to providence i rushed to fedex the scanner to the hasselblad service center. that sucker is about 30 KG heavy but i got it there. when we got back home the newly ordered phone i got for tess had arrived. when i bought it i was worned that it is locked to some local cell company in Ohio. little did i know that it is nearly impossible to do a remote unlock for this network and this kind of phoen in particular, i just though it would be as easy as cake as it was with my old nokia phone that was unlocked in 3 seconds and 9$ later. how wrong i was, i looked and looked and found no answer. i wa son the phone with 3 diffarent companies who assured me there is absolutly no way to do this, slowly my brain started hurting of this unfortunate shit i have been doing on ebay and how fucked up this all was and how much money i have been wasting and the time and hassle really made me sick. first the imacon (with all its 5 realted ebay transactions and driving mailing and phoning...) and now this shit. i was desparate and frustrated so much i was really not feeling so good. i was all ready to give up and try to sell it on ebay again and cut my losses, but then i saw a post about this company that unlocks phones from any compnay with no hassle at all and charges 50$, still not a bad deal, but you have to mail the phone in to them and then have it mailed back to you. i went to their website and tried to see if there was a way to do it on remote but only mailing in is what i found. i kept reading the post that was written by a guy who went there when he was on boston and had it done while he was having a slice of pizza. wait did he say boston???? fuck, it was in boston on newburry street of all places. it seemed so promissing that there i found a place that did this exact thing with this exact phone and exact company that i instantly felt much better and already made plans to go there and check it out. this was around 2300. but i felt this could be fixed so i let it go. we went to sleep at 1:30am, and had to get up at 5 am to get the taxi to go to the bus station for the bus to new york.

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