Monday, June 11, 2007

the day is not over - Nothing is OVER!!

so i have been able to do this. second day in a row.

i fucking hate roomates. well just my roomates, i hate having ot choose new poele to live with, and why does ot have ot happen just when i dont want to it all. wel its pretyt nice puttinf poele undr the lights in a grewling questioning but then again i moslty feel bad for all the poeple i couldent care less about or theones i cant stand but say that they are ready to move in tonight. shit.

like most days this one satrted yesterday and dident really end. should i write all this shit? who the fuck cares. their all here to see the pictures ehh..

borat is not funny.

the picture today - the feist picture of the day - also happens to be the best.
look this one up in the sci fi promo archives...

fuck it, ill just tell you. the thing, from outer space, the first science iction movey, also happens to be the best. umm its not bad.

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