Friday, June 29, 2007


every time i ride the motorcycle now i think about what shraga is doing, and how he is faring as he makes his way from coast to coast using the longest route possible in the shortest time possible. what is graceland like behinnd the visor of a used LAPD bike.
after i got off the bike i saw i missed his call.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


after what i saw yesterday evning i had such a stupid smile ripped on my face, i think iunderstood what i ment when poele say "now i can die a happy man"

i have no name

today a post with no name,

in the left corener, hes the killer the strangler, you konw him you love him - hes' Blaster!!

in the right corner, a person, he ows nothing hes'... hes' the MAN WITH NO NAME!!!!

AMERICA (yesterday today)

i am recovering america.

america is what i want to be. and smile.

Monday, June 25, 2007

live from the front line

sderot is calling from the underground, a neuclear error, but i have no one, because sderot is calling and I, live by the river...

Sunday, June 24, 2007


i fukcing hate my neighbors. i wish they would just fucking die, a quiet death somewhere far far away.
razi has green shoes, jusr like yossi bresgers.

Saturday, June 23, 2007


we dont need your stinkin' badges

Friday, June 22, 2007

things i got to do

u gotta ? gotta?!?
ill tell u what u gotta do.
gotta get a life.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

portland oregon

i never look back in favor

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

and some action shots

it was fun.
i think i learned somthing.

things that make me feel slightly better (or worse)

thats a stupid title i should have kept this one for somehitng more significant then this mostly uneventfull day. another day of riots, stones and clashes with police that ended with less good photos then not. conclusion of this day amongst others, include:

i will always feel like an outsider. nowhere is my realm.

sometimes i wish i could not be.

i need to spend less time with poelpe, i will cause less damage. i know how to act around my self but not so with others, hence staying away.

i am throwing my life away. but i cant throw verry far.

eventuay (and unless i move out of here super soon) all my clothes ill be eaten by moths. my socks are all long gone now.

this was a pretty simple text. dont u think?
oh yes, and Anka rocks!

a sad goodbye to a freind (things that make me sick)

today, shulman came over and said that the big boss is letting one of the older workers go. i first met this guy when i was a kid 13 or so years ago. the nice guy form the photoshop. then i was but the learner, it was a nice twist that this time around when we met i was the master. this guy bearly types on the computer, reads almost no english, and dosent know a whole lot about anything, but still is verry nice guy. i shouldent say a father figure but more of a friend. for the 3 weeks or so he was there is was fun to see him like a money in a hightech cage, learning what all the little buttons of the modern world do. for a reason i didnt despise him for not knowing, i guess i felt like he is doing his best to fit in but just couldent, and some how found him self completly tangled in the boss's legs time after time, and getting yelled at time after time, this middle aged family guy, and i felt bad for him every time that happened even thogh i knew he had over stept his position, and made a stupid mimstake he had been corrected on just yesterday. i guess old dogs cant bend over backwards to learn new tricks. at the end of he day i saw him sitting at the boss' cubical. they sat there for more then 45 minutes while the boss let him go and he tried desperatly to understand why. after 0 or so years as photoshop manager he practucaly had to beg for this job as an earn boy. i just know my boss is incapable of letting somone go politly with out recking havoc in his head. if there are poeple to let go, there are other better choises of poeple hanging by a thread to be let go. even me dammit. many minutes after i had packed my gear and had a long conversation with the guys outside the door, and even time enough for me to through out the garbage behind the biulding, as i was walking to my bike i saw him walking up the street across from me. wiht his back pack, and the stores bags filled wiht supllies he got for the job he does to make ends meat. he looked at me and i waved goodbye. he waves back and looks down, swalowing, choking on his beated breath and walked away, to continue his life elswhere.
the guy who had always greeted me with the wordes "Hello My Friend...".
5 seconds after he went out of site, i felt my stomach turning. i realized what had happend and ot made me sick to my stomach. i felt bad for however he must be feeling. fuck.
i dont know what was the last thing that made me feel this way.

goodbye my friend.

A qoute (about sadness)

""Yesterday at B&H, after I paid for the filter, I went to pick it up at another counter (that's how their system works) and I said jokingly to the man who gave it to me, "I hope you have a share in this place." He was a very sad-looking man, probably in his late forties, very thin, with a long beard and pants that seemed to come up to his armpits. He looked down and said, "A share? All I have is a chair." "

E.H. 20-06-07

things that upset me

things that upset me and things that i hate often tend to make other poeple sad. poeple get upset when i say what i think. i guess that has always been true, usualy due to my wonderfull tackt and tastefull timing.

i think the nicer poeple are the mroe i make then feel bad wiht what i say. and the more they have less of an opinion the mroe they get ofended. the more their opinion is belive driven the more they get upset.

yesterday it was the kind harted reporter who with his zionist and placating notions, who thinks that religuos poeple are cool, that the ultra super kosher food is good and that begin with his facist notions is an A OK guy...

the other day it was one of the nicest poele i have ever met, i so wanted to be his freind, and for him to remmeber me in favor, but now i think this will never happen. even though i only had one or two proper conversations with him i can tell he is a nice guy who thinks i am an asshole. wich i am so that dosent really bother me, not as much as the fact i cant seems to tell when this shit is gonna happen and even thoug sometimes i do i cant bring myself to act diffarently. or i just dont notice it untill later when its too late. i hate myself when this happens. i sometimes cant tell when poeple will enjoy my humor or apreaciate it for what it is, and not take it literally. or not be too stupid to not see where i am going.
i guess spending all this time in the store around all these really stupid poele who come in and talking about them after they leave or wlaking around all these photojurnalists in late night beer sessions i have lost my limits. i dont know where the line is and i fucking hate it.

i want to go back to beeing a regualr person, wiht no verbal opintions, or at least one that dosent speak them. i want to try and be a normal person again, like i wanted to be when i was a kid. normal hair, normal friends, and a normal life. to be happy just liek all those other poeple on the street. even though i know they are living in denial i guess there is no reason to go against the grade.

words now pictures of yesterdya later.

Monday, June 18, 2007

lesons well learned

i dont know what to say about today. i sold nothing. made no real contribution to nothing.

i forgot about the stones throughn at me yesterady.

lux os comming soon and that sall i can think about.

tommrow school again. one more week and thats it.

"will take picture for food"

in the end, i walked home, and i had such a good time walking home. but my feet have little skin left on them. still it was fun. now i am offiacly a nazi. if the holocaust survivors called me that i think they know what they are talking about. but fuck them, its too bad the germans dident finish with them back then now we have to deal wiht them. what a pest.
tess got a tatto just like the one i wanted. i cant belive she did it before me. but i have no money for tattos now. only for food.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

the killing of a dead man

there comes a time, when a guy, even a pretty nice guy, or even an ok guy, or one thats not so bad at all, who does somehitng, just a thing, that should have no consequences whatso ever, and ends up getting beat up fucked over and pissed on. i am not a pretty nice guy, or and ok or what ever, poeple tell em i complain alot, and i think that now i have all the reasons in the world to do so. we all konw that the world is a fucked up shitty place and still we live out our lives and feel fine. but i dont feel fine. i feel like shit. and the reason i feel ike this is probebly the helpless feeling i have accompanied by a unilateral and complete surender. what can i do against, well, not even the serius ills of the world i see, but the small ones. wha can i do against the single stupid person standing infront of with out whome my day would have been much better, and my emotional collpase would have been delayed dome. what can i do against luck\faith\karma\destiny? even though "i belive in nosing" i am postive by now that all the shit that happens has already been planned, just like in assimoved institutes. its all written down somwhere. and no one knows why or where its going, but tis going there. for me, i know where its all going. its going down mother fucker. there will be no going back from this position. if i made more money and worked less hpours i might have said ehh.. i can fix this fix that, but i just konw that f that were the case the things i would deal with would be equivalant to the situation. i feel and huge urge to fgell bad for my self but at the same time i feel like since there is nothigni can do about it i should let it go, an i should thank ouria for part of this. but i dont know if this si the right thing to do. i think that after all i shgould drive as fast as i can, i should start runnig red lights, i should not hold back when talking to poeple - especialy when i want to get in to a fight wiht them. camera no camera fuck tthe camera. fuck them all. i hate israelis. i wish thoy would all just die already and leave me alone. if i could lvie my life the way iwant to with out having to feel ike a crimilar, wiht out having to fear for the stuff that keeps around all the time i wouldent want to kill my self so badly.

Friday, June 15, 2007

i want to be a punk rocker (part one)

this is the top part of the day.

i read that trevor talks about what he does all the time. i dident do anything today, but i took a shit load of pictures. now its porving hard ot have just one picture for the day.

i wish i could be a punk rocker like these skater chicks. they are hot. then i couldbe a furer too...
while walking in the market wiht ouria i heard lux calling me, and there she was in the middle of a thousand poele walking in all directions, wearing a bright red shirt and a smile. i know why i love her so much.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

burn mother fucker burn ( atribute to two photgraphers part two)

i know why. this day is devided to the pre and post conseptual thoughts.
the first beeing mostly dominated by soothing flowing ideas, and ajendas to be reached and so on, the latter is mostly defined by little or no brain activity whatsoever. thats why.
as a post conspetual punk after dinner speaker i must live out the rest of my life like a shnuck.
i got to wait around like everyone else.
photographers dewly noted:
Boaz openhiemer
ouria tadmor photojurnalist superstar

stop the occupation (part one of a tribute to two photographers

why couldent i just stay home? why cant i be like everyone else?

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

the future

nothing realy happend

except for this desturbing dream i had.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

todays view for todays ideas

a view for today.

one post of two.

why not.

i am so tierd and all those snooty smart things i had to write are all gone now.
the goverments instition for statistics published a survey today. they say that 83% of israelis are satisfied wiht their lives, and the religius israelis have 96% satisfied fondemtalists.
if the goverment syas, and even the most left field media channel supports this publicty report i guess life here is perfect. if os many poeple are happy i hate to think about what it would be like when they are fucking pissed. actualy i think there is little lower to get from where we are now.
let go and ride the jetskis, next to hunderd thousand dollar cars in the sun wiht the honeys.. im not going to miami.
tommorows news for tommorows happenings.

Monday, June 11, 2007

the day is not over - Nothing is OVER!!

so i have been able to do this. second day in a row.

i fucking hate roomates. well just my roomates, i hate having ot choose new poele to live with, and why does ot have ot happen just when i dont want to it all. wel its pretyt nice puttinf poele undr the lights in a grewling questioning but then again i moslty feel bad for all the poeple i couldent care less about or theones i cant stand but say that they are ready to move in tonight. shit.

like most days this one satrted yesterday and dident really end. should i write all this shit? who the fuck cares. their all here to see the pictures ehh..

borat is not funny.

the picture today - the feist picture of the day - also happens to be the best.
look this one up in the sci fi promo archives...

fuck it, ill just tell you. the thing, from outer space, the first science iction movey, also happens to be the best. umm its not bad.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

a picture a day - the first day ever

evanescence are ok.

but i do think its too much for me now.

yestrday was a huge revelation, rockfour is back in the top 5 cd's. well actualy the only cd's i liste to over and over again. i think this is what i will do right now.

i wish i had taken the RZ with me today for i would have shot all 6 rolls of color that i have at the omoent and not spent a moments thought bout what i would do wiht all those pictures. what a waste of a day. is the project over? who knows. why not then start a new project. goddamit. fuck it, tats what i should say everytime i dont konw what to do with my self. fuck it and go jerk off.

it was a freakin punk convention in the zion SQ' today and it all just passed infornt of me while i was trying to think weathe ri did a good ebogh job for Mr warshevski, when i dont even work for him at all... thats pretty silly. but there is a brighter side to all of this - i found that my computer ha s PS2 port. yes. this rules. new kiboard tommmrow. its a must. my back hurts like momtherfucker and i think this is also the result of logging around all that camera gear for no aperant reason. no injuries today. not to many regrets either.

heres to the new new new project. a picture a day. Ouria here i come...