Monday, January 21, 2008

clouds under a moon

a cloudy sky with a big moon rising, makes the world look like day at the dark of night. the terrain shines in a all new colours and textures in the night, under the cosmal lamp as a reversal infra red film might look like. you can see all far out to the horizon and feel the crisp grass and sand buvkle under your foot as you pass over it. these are easy nights to walk through, through clouds usualy mean, in turn, rain. walking through the rain in an american night such as this one is also pretty cool, and takes a whole lotta shit to make it a bad expiriance. even at the hight of my dismay of my life and army this kind of weather made me think of other things and let my head drift.

the city is deserted. the semester is technichaly over though due to an over long and pointless strike i think the clases will run late in to the next month. regardless, the city feels as if who ever dosent really live here, already left, as boston looks like in the holidays, wich is wierd because i am just reading about how cambridge and boston get deserted just before thanks giving and having been there myself it feels almost the same. everything here is now low volume and everyone is comuting quitly and orderly (as orderly and quietly as it comes around here), the diffarence is that boston is usualy calm and qiuet every day of the year and the holidays just put it in to a coma, but brings out a whole line of exotic things u dodnt know exist in an avbadond city, stuff you wish was there more often. here there is just nothing and no one. the store is still pretty busy as alot of poeple are preapering their portfolios for exchange studies and closing aplications for next term in israel. other then that the city is silent. even a demonstration in the zion square got no attention. the cofee shops are emptier then usual and the traffic is slower and lighter. how does all of this relate to me is actualy irrelivant. i have no way of telling weather or not my aplication material has reached its destination in the states, and i doubt i will here any thing untill the answer deadline and might not even hear anything at all from some schools.

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