Wednesday, January 16, 2008


to many things to do, to many poeple to see to many things to take care of. today for the milionth time i walked thorugh the indipendance park, after a long talk about how small the world is, with a guy from dallas. actualy i should start earlier. sunday saw the patriots win over jaxonville, and monday had an all new game, of the NY giants against dallas cowboys. i left the game with the cowboys ahead, and i assumed they had won the game. this group of mission turists who walked in to the store and were not only happy to find we had the item they were desperetly looking for, but also a an english wielding and speaking sales person. what a kick. it was as hecktic as 18:30 is in the store, and i just dident have a second to mention the game of yesterday.

fourtiontly they walked in again today, with another porblem and stayed long enough for me to get a bussines card, an invitation for an aranged marrige with australian girls of my picking, and also some words about the game. they said that they are here with sar-el, shmulik smadgas firm, in whos office i grew up (amongst other places). they left and soon later i left. i walked through the park that was filled with reburned cow shit used for furnis. this smelled and felt just like a walk through the bedouin camps in the negev. what a waste of energy... i should just leave it alone.

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