Sunday, February 27, 2011

Punk and Punishment

Probably the only time one can own a microsoft product and be considered anti establishment, anti corporations and trends is when one owns a ZUNE. a few days ago i saw this punk, in the subway, wearing a punk jeans vest with patches and a punk haircut, pull out his zune to change the song. this is a strange statement that looks all the yuppy, hipsters, cool clean cut dead tech chick, wealthy, rich wanna be's and so many others conformists that own and Ipod, or any other apple thing and says - hey i am special, i am different. ever notice how they all look like that silhouette of the then cool Ipod poster? only now they are not cool, the product stinks and symbolizes more then anything the grasp of the corporations on the people, yes every lefty and almost anyone else thinks having an Ipod is cool. i am working on a laptop right now, a used one. is weight less then 1.2 Kilos (about 2.2 LBS) its as powerfull as the latests macbook air, but has no connection limitations, and best of all it will leave you with change from 100$... farmers should sells apples, and all the rest of us, well we should try hard not to conform.

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