As far back as i can remember, my was telling me about the Icebowl of 1967, when he and my mom lived in boston and were witnesses to the coldest football game ever played, a game that later went on to be one of the most important football games ever. poeple like vince lombardy, and bart starr were there all made the hall of fame. the game was also aired in its most complete preserved version before the 2007 superbowl, a tribute to another very very cold game. all the stuff my dad said were real and true, the crazy cold, the frozen coffe of the presenters, the injuries. but the most important thing was that he loved the Greenbay packers. he loved them mostly because they were and are the last team in the NFL to be a publicly owned non profit team, linked to a small town in Wisconsin, where at some point he wanted me to become a rabbi and lead a reform congregation into making me wealthy. later Wisconsin turned in to Minnesota (after i learned about the nuclear stockpiles there i am glad that dident happen, though i guess with MAD its not all the detrimental).
but the greenbay packers, remained the greenbay packers, from a small town, and his passion for them, grew on me as well. sure i live in boston and was happy to see the Pats in the super bowl last time and sad to not see them now, but this all dwarfs to the joy i have seeing this truly American concept team win the superbowl for the fourth time in the NFL history. this adds to makes it the team with the most football championships of any NFL team past or present.
the fact that the small town, publicly owned team wins, goes along with the hey market protesters, the birth of labor unions and workers rights bills. they were all born here. this win does not give me any more hope for change or belief that the state of american existence in the age of late capitalism will ever change (a 30 second commercial slot on tonights game cost more then 3 million dollars, and they were all sold out 6 months ago...) but is in a way a comforting to know that somewhere someone has got it right.
this year, the 45th superbowl game and championship goes once again to the small town in Wisconsin, and i can go to sleep with a smile on my face.