Sunday, November 28, 2010

10 comments about the situation (Where is yoel markus when you need him? actually who needs him...)

1. I went to photograph something and came back with good pictures of all kinds of things i did not go out to shoot.
2. Medium format is fun, easy, cheap and looks good.
3. I need to make more notes while i am shooting. i wanted to remmeber all kinds of silly things of stuff i did not shoot or stuff that i now cannot even remmeber i wanted to remmeber.
4. It is getting cold. pretty much too cold to just go out and shoot.
5. Along side getting cold it is also getting dark really early, so unless i let go of my eithan shouker methodology of "when it is cloudy the entire sky is your lightbox" and accept some silly shadows there is very little day time to shoot.
6. Time passes really quick. sure we can mesaure time real acuratly with a clock and say that it is only moving one second at a time, but the moon is fading in and out faster then i notice, days are passing by and even within a day the hours seem to just wash away like water in to the drain in the sink.
7. I am finding it hard to prioritize my life, what should i give more time to? school work? if so then what part of it? relaxation (see Mr. Jones in the fast lane)? relationship?
8. This will be the last week we will be getting the Boston Globe to our door, after about 3 months of getting it 7 days a week. there have been long streches where the paper never even left its bag before heading out to the recycle bin. all of a suddenthis week i am finding that i am reading a few articles every now and again. most definitly not a justification, however this was my last connection to the actual world (after i stopped opening israeli news sites due to extreme bowel reactions).
9. This semster is all but over. i have shown work twice and will show work one more time. bith crit coordinators spent about 30 minutes last week explaining to the MFA class all about how we should be working even harder then we already do, and how they have absolutely no time to give us outside of class, and that they will not be available until next semester. this is after the long and moving talk from one of them earlier this year about how i should use the availability of the faculty as a resource that RISD has to offer me.
10. Resources are important, i have too many of the useless kind and not enough of the kind that actually gets you somewhere.

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