Wednesday, December 19, 2007


its time to write insughtfull things. its time to be heard. i think yaniv weissa is a master photographer. he is all that i want to be and cant ever do. strieght forward, upright and always in motopn yet completly composed. i feel somewhate better after a fwe sucssesfull sales today. i am not sure why, its not like i make more money if i sell mroe or for bigger profits, and i dont think its what zahi said about beeing loyal to the company. i work as far as my callery pais me too and not an inch further. i like having commitments that i enjoy doing. rearly do i find such things, but when i do i try hard to keep them close and not let go. i like curtain habbits and rutins that set my life in motion and keep it in order. i especialy enjoy those commitmnets that enable me to decline other commitments i might have had to commit to that i do not want to do. this is power of levrage. like aristo i need a big lift. today i read about an israeli local court ruling that ecknolaged the right of a person to seek penalty from the state for BEEING BORN. this is amazing. one can sue the country for the wrong doing and aiding and abeting that might result of his own actual birth. this ruling of course was in a case where the state did not aprove an abortion (how the fuck can someone not get an abortion when he wants one?? fucking jews) of an embrio that for some genetic reson would grow up to be a short stump. the state will now pay 750 thousand dollars restitution to this now infant soon millioner midget. but the problem does not ley here, it is where one has a shitty life, and who dosent? or somone tha for any reason would have ratherd he had not been born and can naw sue his perants for conceving him, and the state for not preventing this crime from happening.

fuck ups of the world unite - there is money to be made here, and apoint to be learnd. first of all DO NOT MAKE CHILDREN UNTILL YOU HAVE ASKED THEM IF THEY WANT TO BE BORN. if this dose not permit it self then JUST SAY NO! - say no to kids, the end to abbortion and needless suffering. no kids no pollotion, no human overpopulation, hunger, poverty and so on.

secondly you are guilty and responsible for every cconsience choice you make. make a choice that fuckes someone else over, he might grew up to be a lawyer (in israel there are 3 civilians for each certified bar lawyer) and fucking sue your ass.

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