Wednesday, December 12, 2007


i often judge poele who are abtter then me as arogant, or condecending and well genarally idiots. i like beeing best. but i think that most of the time poeple think the same about me. every time i happen to come out on top or when i do things that maje e srtand out as better then other si think poeple gotta think the same about me. i am arogant. i am pompuse. i hate ot whne i do things like that when i act out like that. i want to be as regualr as any other person. i want to stay on line with every one else. why should i be diffarent. "why shouold he gert more be better do more and so on..???" well i shouldent. i suck. i wish i had never went to the army. i wish i had never met all those poeple. i wish i dident have to deal with what i do after i do it and that i could be sharp, and think things in a perfect way that will result in a proper action.

here are some older pictures.

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