Tuesday, November 27, 2007

saturday sunday monday

the jewsish nazis are parading the steets of jerusalem.
on friday night dinner my perants were sad to hear what i have to say about poeple and said that i am not far from hitler. i guess i am not. motivated by this verry thing i had the exact same conversation with the next door niehgbors, the kibbutz city goers who never close the door of their fucking house. i think they too belive i am not far removed from hitler. who am i to decide and so on... wel i think and make descisions. thats who.

on the way back from work on sunday i saw signs that read "jerusalem Uber ales!" the former chief of staff of the IDF was supporting this rally.
the next day they had a demonstration that blocked the way to my house with scores of young jews who have their eyes filled with hatred and racism. they belive in jewish supremacy. white power, even though alot of them are arabs and blacks, they atill adore and belive their white washed white power leaders, just like hitler. just like the advanced jews of the viymar republic who belived it wwill all be for the best. these are the gun bearing teenagers who shoot first and smile later. the same poeple who call for annihalation and oblideration of their own brethern. the militrastyc phascist youngsters who follow blindly thw words of rabbi, who is the direct speaker of god. the words of god here tend to be aligned with the extreme right wing rascist point of view. what a waste of air. and flesh and blood anf food for all these 11 kids per family human garbage. so if they follow instincts they arent really humans are they?

i wount describe what my local supermarket looked like after they convinintly opened their toilets for the jews use. godammit.

my gut was so full of rage i was ready to explode. somone shoudl run in to this crowed yelling alla hu acbar holding fire crackers and see what happens.

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