Tuesday, November 6, 2007

big is back, and biger is better the new 600 SUX!!!

lux started a new job. i miss her. and this is bad especialy now that i miss her more then ever.
gas masks pile up on the treets of jerusalem. this is a stange thing. they care calld abc basks, designed to protect you from Atomic, Biological and Atomic Weapons. i guess they wount reallyhelp in case of an atomic attack but still poeple belive in this. they are respoding to the request to hand back all gas masks issued by the goverment soon after the american invation of iraq. i as a young soldier was first in line, having learnd that a deathby Bio-chemichal warefare is a hirribale fainfull death, and that a gass mask can reduce some pain in the procces. a few months later i was briefed that most chemichal weapons penetrate the skin and a breathing mask will not help much in such cases. but an atomic bomb? who the fuck are you kidding???

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