Sunday, September 2, 2007


yesterday, as i was walkign into the corner masrket for my traditional breakfast of green tahina, a small fresh roll and choclate milk in a plastic bag, i noticed that thislittle store never has my preferd morning dip - the humus with a little spicy spot in the middle. i aked the guy behind the countr why they dont hold this particu;ar product and he said that the supplier somtimes delivers and sometimes not. "what kind of answer is that i aksed" and then realized that i am in the niddle east. i replied swiftly that he better start getting that humus or that supplier might start getting mail bombs. i common way of speech in these parts. the guy said" like the unabomber or somthing he was called right?" the unabomber i thought. yes like the unabomber.

the rest of that day was spent reading the biography of theory of theodore Kozcinsky, also known as the UnaBomber. the nuiversity and airline bomber. the FBI called him by these intials, U and A bomb. or for short the unabomb. it took them 26 years to catch kozcinsky, and even then there was no hard evidance to support the acusation that he was the unabomber ecpet for his sole giulty plea, wich he later retracted as beeing forced out of him. the man who earnd a masters in theoretical mathematics from harvard at the age of 20, and llater went on to be Phd and was a proffesor, solved numerous then uknown theories in advanced math and was considerd one of the brighter minds of the century. throuout his life kiscinsky sufferd social abuse and inacceptnace. he was also subjected to stress test in a psychologichal physiological behvioral study. this is thought to be the beginig of the breaking point of kascinsky.

a fwe years after reciving a job teaching at berkly, he resinegd his commision and moved out in to the woods of montanato live a life of naturalism and segregation. an artical titled "Industrial Society and Its Future" is associeted to him, even thogh it was never proven he had written nor did he adhere to that fact. the article is a distopian logical; study of the dangures in technology, the disaters that the industrial revolution had over scociety and so on. it is considerd that these theories and thoughts, led kascinsky to mail bomb computer sience proffesors, computer company oweners and so on. some answers from kascinskys mouth talk about why he attemped to destroy computer techs, but most of the victims have little or no connection to his ideas as stated in the essay. it was amazing to read all this stuff about kascinskys view of humanity and child making, and the actions and methodes he alegedly chose to use in order to fulfill himself and make is ideas real, and similar they are to hwo i see things and think about things or they way i see possible to fulfill them. the only thing is, that i guess ted kascinsky was utterly and completly crazy, a fucking nut case, and the fact that he needed to be such a nut case to reach this level of action and aggresion, is scary. what does it mean about me? if he was such a nut case and i think the same things as he does, does that mean i am a nut case as well? am i not controling my faculties properly? am i led by my insanity? i dont think so. but i i should say "that i am not led by my insanity, YET".

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