Friday, May 20, 2011

A hot shot up against the wall with a twist

So who gets screwed? you never know in the end. but this time i think the joke is on me, double time. i got it once when i refused to be indifferent  to my life, and the second time when i refused to be kinda like everyone else around me. the bottom line is i got nothing accomplished even though promises were made, and some one else made profit on my back. i know that there is no such thing as honesty in business if there is anything america taught me its just that. the best thief come at you with a smile and a promise and the worst business deals are based on words and hand shakes. until money has swapped hands for goods everyone can still be screwed or get screwed. this i was screwed on both ends, by a person i dident trust in the first place, which, maybe is not so bad as i had no expectations from any way, and by an institution, with regulatory morals and structured protocols of behavior.
All i can do is sit back and say thank you.
Thanks you all - motherfuckers.

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