Friday, May 13, 2011

1 comment about the situation

Only in america you can buy a Honda Accord with a V6 Hybrid engine, or a toyota camry Hybrid that has 225 Horse power. other smart things you can buy in america are Toyota Hybrid SUV's, or a cadilac escalade Hybris that improved its gas millage form 8MPG to 10MPG, or maybe the all new and Innovative idea, that plain engines have been using for about 100 years, and more recently Yamaha has been using since at least 1987 - a Honda SUV that has a V6 engine but its so smart, it can run on as little as 3 cylinders, to save on gas. it is a green SUV, that can seat up to 8, in a country where the average auto occupancy is 1.01. but its green, it can seat 8 and uses only 3 of the 6 cylinders it has. the best thing undoubtedly that one could buy in america is the famous toyota Preius, with a full real-leather interior. this option on the preius helps the owner balance out the environmental  offset created by the cars low emission, by transferring the pollution to the environmental cost of raising cattle for the sole purpose of using its skin for seat covers in an eco friendly car.
it all just makes sense.

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