Wednesday, September 19, 2007


this blog is about obidienace, and tolerance.

what i was going to mentuon the other day but couldent consentrate about is that i was going to write about the connection between the zimbardo and milgram tests and the feeling poeple in israel have in conneciton wiht security gourds, armonrs cars and the such.

i hate the cevilian clothed armed israeli guards that each and every israeli flight termmial has in and out of israel. i can stand the over self importance these poersons adopt to themselves, and the way to go about and talk to other poeple as if they are super human beeings.. i cant stand the fact that they dont just do it for the monwy, they think they are saving the world and the nation with the work they do. they are stopping crimes as times are moing forward and they owe no man anything, exepct for the obligation they made to the security if the nations well beeing. the microphone whispering code talking blash headed or ponytalid stealth "unnoticed" security poeple. i hate the fact they assume that every body is speaks hebrew, and if someone is an arab he is a suicide bomeber and must not get on the flight no matter what. not unlles he lets them poke around his anus.

how quickly do we respomd favorly and understanigly to the open your bag where are you comming from questions, playing along wiht the security crazyness.. even with the more sublte hello and puase for accent check of your reply do we answer most clearly wiht our best israelized words. we hope that out "all is well" answer will go by as jewishly as huminly possible.

how easily do we conform wiht the needs of secureity to anyone wiht a badge that has his face on it, how smoothly do we want to make do with a police mans request to identify.

we live our security guards. we love the anoyance they cause us, we are sure they are only doing thier job. they are doing a just work, that is essential to our verry lives ans safty.

what else do we do? absolutly nothing. we sit back while "secureity reasons" are the justification for repedative murders, executions and comizeration of national scale. we love givng out security guards reasons to exist. just as doron said, after i told a youngster that joining the army is an OPTION, and is a bad hting all around, and does no one any good, but only bad things can derive of this action. i said that the army is the sole most major reason for the destruction if the israeli society, culture and humanism, he said that there wourldent have been a society if there wasent an army to secure it.

if that is the case maybe there shouldent have been a society in the first place.

wrting this blog makes me understand how my jusdgment might be impared when i am drunk. no more beers on week days.

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