Monday, March 10, 2008


the only way to survive the savage life is to be a vigalanty. if you do not creative active physical oposition to the world you are playing along with it. hence making some poeples days wrotten for "no aperant good reason" is a must. and this serves a verry important purpose. you are letting one person know the world he lives in is fucked up, so much so that it drove someone to tell him about it while screaming, to try and imagine himself in the shoes of someone really in a fucked up spot. generaly keeping to your self and minding your own bussiness is a verry safe thing to do, espeaily in a big violent city, and in general it not a bad thing. most poeple SHOULD in fact mind thier own bussiness and should more spasificaly stay out of MY bussiness as much as possible, BUT - however, yelling at random starangers that do bad things is an act of a deranged person, or is it? shouldent it be the other way around? noticing bad shit all the time and not doing anything about it? to mundaine, calm and relaxed, and most of all to "not interfear with other poeples bussiness" is the greatest crime of all. we are all benine - thats what makes us so bad. its by no chance that the word levantine refers to the historical regoin where the new middle east is today.

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