Friday, November 18, 2011

Occupy Boston: The middle class needs more jobs with more pay and less hours, so they can buy more cars, to drive on more roads, the city should spend more tax money to fix the bridges and highways. The middle class respects the police (not like the lower class you know who...)

America does not yet have enough cars, or highway miles: The government needs to employ more middle class people, so that it can spend more tax money it does not have to build more roads, and fix bridges for cars to travel on, instead of, say, promoting public transit. wow now thats anarchism for you. 

Protesters said the march was meant to draw attention to the nation’s aging bridges and roadways, the need to fix them and the availability of unemployed labor, but the apparent inability of the government to put people to work.

Why protest if we can just make our point heard, besides, the police are hard working men, with a strong union, and they have a hard job, why make it harder for them by protesting?

“It was a good thing not to march on the bridge, the Boston police have their own problems. If we respect the police, they’re going to respect the demonstrators.”

If this is what the herald has on its front page, who am i to argue?

"The system’s been rigged for 30 years in favor of the wealthy at the expense of you in the middle class. You’re the ones working longer hours for lower wages but paying higher and higher taxes"

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