Sunday, September 5, 2010

a new world

my stomach is turning now when i am looking on ebay at used film cameras.
what was a real thing only a few weeks ago is now somthing that is almost completly useless.
i am wondering how much longer will there be sheet film around? how many more months will the stock of medium format films last? another year? 2 years? and then what?
tetenal has discontinued the c-41 kit i was using for color developing. lucky for me the kit has 10 times more bleach fix then developer so all i need to find is someone who sells c-41 developer for a rotary process, not an easy thing to do. of course in 2 years when all films are no longer around the companies making the current developer will stop selling it as it will have no more need, and as a result, my very expensive scanner will be worthless in an instant.
this is a grim prospect only because i like using film. but its not such a bad deal considering that i will probably be able to change out all this gear for a neat new digital back for a fully articulating camera in not so much time and get similar results...the real question is what is the cutoff point at which selling the scanner will still get me what i invested in it and not before i cannot use it anymore.

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