Thursday, June 17, 2010


today we put in the new bed in the bedroom.
the end result presented us with two problems:
1: inches are not as accurate as the metric system, and thus the matress, that is "exactly" 60X80 inches, is infact much smaller, and the bed frame designed to be half an inch smaller the above mentioned dimensions is still bigger then the mattress by about a full inch on all sides.
2: we have no where to put the box spring the mattress came with initially.

on another note, the bed looks good, and even though it has many desgin, craftsmanship and material flaws, it works quite well, and i think suits are style and look, as maho was saying about their new living room console. this was the main reason for this bed, but after having to lift it from the kitchen to the bedroom, all of 5 meters distance, we decided it will never be moved again, and that of we move we will need to by that MALM bed from ikea. this house is generally well lit, but the light fixtures are not so well designed or placed and so the light we have is not always sufficiant. that will be the next thing.

then again, this house is getting to be more and more ours, and yesterdy after a random visit to a starnge store in harvard square in cambridge, tess found a really cool looking toothbrush holder, somthign we have been looking for since forever, and not only we found one, but a cool one too. so with every day that goes by and i guess for a few days already now, i feel like this is really our home, and its our own. this is an exciting feeling since this is the first time i have lived in all my own home, with no roomates no hadmedowns, and no other poeples stuff all around me. frames to hang, a few more plants to buy and we are all set. this will definitly be awesome.

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