Sunday, January 18, 2009

the future 2 day

telecomunications mean that every now and again we realize that we once saw in "futeristic" movies is becomming closert and closer to reality so much so that we now even see movies trying to stay ahead of what the modernistic and post post modern reality give us in hard currency in real life.
a wrist watch that is also a videophone, and a wireless digital camera but can also print out little labels, is not the future. it is the now. today is tommorow now. but this leads to a discomforting porblem when we realize every morning with the papers headlines that later will be yesterday, since the news of yesterday is also the news of tommrow. this is mostly true in middle eastern time. in the real world how ever, the space time continuem is mached and synched together with the happening of the now and the real.

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