Saturday, May 10, 2008

in memory of remembrance

every year we have three sirens. just like in hiroshima the air raid sirens yell and howell in a long high pitch streak. one is dedicated to the six millions. six million poeple exterminated, six million dollars in reperations stollen by their sons from their brothers. six millions questions left unasked, and huge memory of remembrance, thogh no memory of the actual horors themselves or any of the reasons leather there to.
one siren is for the families of those who died in the name of god and the zionist cause. this one is especialy long and mostly finds poeple at their homes with their loved ones, the followoing morning a shorter more practical siren intented for all official and goverment ceremonies catches most poeple who dont attend, on the way from here to there, at work or otherwise out of the house.

i look at the bus driver who stoped and walks out and stands wiht his head down, and thinks back at his war time, and his freinds blown to bits and comradsip of blood and tears, the shots he fired and the things he saw infront of his own eyes. what did he learn from all of this time passing? what has changed? the siren is the same siren, the poeple the same poeple. the wars still rage on, and the politics of death still riegn over all. he hasent learned anything from his experiance and he is letting those who will follow him in the world walk in the same path of footsteps laid out for him by his predescesors.

nothing changed, nothing will chance. we are walking nowhere and deserve all that is comming for us.
israel, what a waste.

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