Sunday, March 9, 2008

heat / rain

i feel like the wrotten depressing end of a downhill season of a good american tv show. some days are diamonds? none of them are, this is a tragic mass deception. its time again for the little bug to come out in the intense heat and die prematurly under the rain that falls in big huge chunks and drops, that collect all the dust and smut in the air and fall on your hands in a huge gulp and make them absolutly wet while its so dry.

i want to be a high incident bandit. i want to be that guy in the columbine like event. the guy who breavly fealesly walkes up to the shooters and overcomes him and knocks him down.

after he is pinned down and i am holding his gun in my hand, i will whisper in his ear "man, i truly belive in what your doin', but now, i gotta take you out"

then i close my eyes.

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