Wednesday, January 23, 2008


the great synagouge of gerusalem was built and dedicated to the jews who died so that we can live. to the six million dead jews of the EUROPIAN houlocaust. i shit you not. thats what it says on the front of the building. what a mind job. yes thanx to the six million educated poeple who failed to assimilate them selves in the bussom of culture and home of society, who failed to see what the future holds for them untill it was too late, and even then - when it was as clear as the sky in an unmudded day they did nothing to save themselves or try to influence their future and fate. thanx to those poeple to whome we owe to dummest land fued ever. thanx to those poeple who died, and with thier death exhiled us from our native home to the desert. not by chabce does that plaque read "EUROPIAN" and not just the jewish holocaust. europians belong in europe. they desrve the level of humanity and social advancment of an enlightened culture. the yemenite jews, who did not die in the holocaust benefit from the losses of the white socialist jews fleeing europe. in time they will lower the common denomination below the level of the dead sea. it will always still be higher then anything they have ever lived to know. for the rest, nothing has changed. they never 0earned from their old mistakes. they have not leaf the fascist and extreme right ideas to wrote in nurnberg but accepted the ill gotten "democratic" advancments of the arab jews and incorporated them in to their own culture. they do not see how they have comtrol of their lives anf future and fate, while they let it all turn to shit. the last time it cost them the lives of 6 million. i heard that the last population count in israel estimates about 6 million jews within the green line. i guess its time for the second round. maybe it will be the last.