Friday, October 30, 2009

sense and responasability

i have porbably said this more then once, and will porbably bring it up again in the future - responsability is the key. in a direct connection to the title there can be a no there understanding of how society can function. it was once a commonly known derogatory way to refer to tribal and primitivst aspects of imigrants culture - it is unburdoning of responsability. other then beeing primitive in every western way, they also are not capable of maintining any kind of responsability. this is clearly seen in every african nation transferd from white european control to local indiginous governing and imansipation. sheding responsability for any reason is bad, sheding for social reasons is even worse. the saying tha "ones culture" permit him to behave in a way that is reckless and removes any burdon responsability from him due to that fact is dangouress. responsability is the key, acountability for ones actions is the only factor that determines his place in society. israelis, more then jews as they israelis are the new "new jews" of the modern era live in their own world of lack of responsability, this can be seen latley ( or historacly as well) in leaders gone awry, but is better pronounced by the cry of the deprived kosak. in israel no one is responsible for anything. not for the noise, the mess the death the endless sufforing of countless millions. with hitler it was simple - blame national socialism. or like Jhon Vorcheck\john goodman\Walter Sobchak would put it -
"Say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos."
it is easy to show how Naziesm is bad thing and is responsible for the horrors that are the our come of the actions of the german nation during the second world war.
in israel, the ethos has long been forgotten, the pathos is also dead, and any other social structures have failed long ago. and so there is no more room for petty things like personal responsability.
personal responsability is the key. it is gone or never was, and it makes me more angry every day.

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